Before you can build lasting relationships with your customers, you first have to develop internal relationships based on mutual trust and understanding. In business, you have to work closely with others to build your way to success. There are many different working relationships or partnerships that take place within an organisation, these can be with agents and sales people, retailers/outlets or dealers and suppliers to name a few.
A ‘partnership’ is based on long-term relationships that require continuous improvement. These relationships are harnessed through mutual growth and development.
With on-going measurement and assessment of your partners’ satisfaction with your organisation, you are able to identify problem areas more efficiently and take corrective action more timeously. Partners will feel more valued and part of the relationship when they have the means that will allow them to provide feedback on an on-going basis.
Advantage of on-going measurement are:
When feedback is transformed into insights and action is taken, it will lead to mutual trust and understanding.
The building blocks of the strong relationship include:
Bottom line: Before you can build lasting relationships with your customers, you first have to develop internal relationships by working closely to ultimately build your way to success.